President's Message--from Grant Jowitt, News (Sturgeon Lake Minor Hockey)

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Jun 08, 2021 | Dean Michel | 1464 views
President's Message--from Grant Jowitt
I hope this message finds everyone well during these different times we are dealing with as we enter the summer season.
Even though there are many unknowns at this point, we as an association are working hard planning for next season in the hopes of the upcoming season being closer to normal.  

It is my honour to be appointed as the new President of the Sturgeon Lake Minor Hockey Association.  
I would like to thank Jim Van Dusen for the many years of dedication and commitment that he has provided to the association as President.  
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank all the long-standing volunteer members of the executive that will be in supporting roles for the upcoming season or have assumed other roles within the executive.
Leah Rea (will provide support to the new treasurer Tara Wright for the upcoming season)
Sarah Spivey (will provide support to the new Registration director Kim Guidon for the upcoming season) 
Jamie Switzer (will provide support to the new Three County Rep Trevor Whitehead for the upcoming season)
Aaron Jermyn (the ice convenor for many years and will continue as a director within the executive) 
Brian Taylor (will continue as a director within the executive)
James Beard (will continue as a director within the executive)
Jim Van Dusen (will assume the role of Past President within the executive)
The association has been very fortunate over the years to have volunteers that have “shadowed” executive positions within the association to allow them to get a handle on procedures required to make it a smooth transition once the current executive member completes their term.
As incoming President, I will continue to work with all the volunteers, parents, and players within the association. The previous and existing executive members have laid out a solid foundation for the association that we can use to grow and move forward.  
In closing I would like to welcome all the new and existing members of the 2021/2022 SLMHA executive listed below! 
Watch out for upcoming updates regarding registration for the 2021/2022 season and we hope to see you all at the rink this fall!
Grant Jowitt
Sturgeon Lake Minor Hockey Association
2021/2022 SLMHA Executive
President: Grant Jowitt
1st Vice President: Barry Graves
2nd Vice President: Scott Livie
Treasurer: Tara Wright
Secretary: Michelle Elder
Registration Director: Kim Guidon 
Supervisor of Players, Coaches, and Trainers: Pat Flynn
OMHA and Wolves Rep: Karl Cousineau
Three County Rep: Trevor Whitehead
Ice Convenor: Mike Turpin
Fundraising: Alison Lodwick / Mary Blacklock 
Referee in Chief: Mike Turpin / Mike Poppe
Communication Director:  Dean Michel
Equipment Directors: Matt Howard / Jerry Jenkinson
Past President:  Jim Van Dusen 
o    Brian Taylor
o    Aaron Jermyn
o    Rhonda Scarlett
o    Trina Teel
o    James Beard