ATTN All parents: COVID protocol reminder, News (Sturgeon Lake Minor Hockey)

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Sep 26, 2021 | Dean Michel | 1160 views
ATTN All parents: COVID protocol reminder
As we continue to navigate the current pandemic, we, as an association have to work within the guidelines provide to us from the City of Kawartha Lakes, the provincial government, and the local health unit.
We wish to address one area that has brought a lot of questions to us lately.  

Currently in the local public school system they are dealing with positive cases,  close contact concerns, and possible exposure concerns. 

If your child has received a notice from the school and/or health unit that they have to stay home and isolate until further notice they should not come to hockey practices, tryouts, games, etc until you have been advised that your child can return to school.

As part of the prescreening tool that everyone has to fill out before they enter the arena as a player, coach, and spectator there is a question pertaining to the above concern.
Has a doctor, health care provider, or public health unit told you that you should currently be isolating (staying at home)?
If you fall into this category and have any concerns or questions please contact us at
[email protected]
