The U9 Red McDavid team Needs Your Votes, News (Sturgeon Lake Minor Hockey)

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Dec 14, 2023 | Dean Michel | 1656 views
The U9 Red McDavid team Needs Your Votes
This motivated group of 8-year-olds is looking to move forward to the next round of the Ford Drills and Skills competition.
They certainly deserve our support.
The team not only collected 1,900 pounds of food this fall in a food drive, but they also brought their big hearts to Fenelon Court by delivering hand-made cards to all the residents at Christmas.
The team is closing out 2023 by givingthose less fortunate in the Trent Lakes community by donating both a hamper of food and toys to those in need.

Act now by voting today and tomorrow.
Simply go to this link and you will find the Thunder team about half way down.
To vote, you only need to provide your name, City, postal code and email address.
Go Thunder!